Friday 23 May 2014

Zimbabwean and American MJ. What's the difference?

We recently posted a YouTube video of a 'Zim Michael Jackson' dancing to the popular track Billie Jean. Those that took time to give feedback agree with us that he is talented and are voluntarily assisting with finding him local gigs so that he can make ends meet from his undeniable dancing talent. In case you didn't come across our video here it is below:

The baffling thing however is that some days later a similar video (dance-wise) was posted on YouTube. This is of a high school boy in America dancing to the same song and with slightly similar moves. That video got over 8 million views and counting, and all the comments are about how unique and amazing his talent is. I admit he is good, but so is our Zim Michael Jackson.

 Watch him here (skip to 1:11):

You may then realize that locally, raw talent does exist and live amongst us. But because we under utilize a lot of our resources in Zimbabwe and Africa in general, people miss out on global recognition. Local content can be just as good as international, but do we look down on ourselves and praise the child who may have had dancing lessons and other opportunities over a hard working local who trains himself to dance the same if not better?

What is behind this online inequality amongst us and what makes an American boy better that a Zimbabwean on the same online platform? We would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.